Innovating for the Future:
Discovering the Power of AI
and Cybersecurity in
Rapidly Changing World
On 11th May, 4:00pm onwards
Z.1.08 at University of Klagenfurt
Flower Recognition
The desired project is an implementation of one of the key conceptions of Deep Learning and Machine learning, - supervised learning. In this project Recognition of already known types of flowers was conduct in order to help with its classification for people who wants to clarify which flower is in front of him.
More InformationSpam Classification
In this project spam mails are filtered out from non-spam mails using Machine Learning techniques. The model is trained using Supervised Learning and Deep Learning, afterwards this trained model is provided with unknown texts to see if it can identify texts are spam or not.
More InformationShotgun Fight Recognition
This project works with Arrificial intellingence, in particular supervised machine learning, to extract firefight scenes in any movie.
More InformationComputer Vision
Gradient descent is the heart of every neural network. I will present a project in which it is used for computer vision but in a different context than learning.
More InformationUniv.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Wolfgang Faber
Head, Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Contact No.: +43 463 2700 3712
“Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.”